Tuesday 16 November 2010

Whether the General Will Can Err

‎"From the deliberations of a people properly informed, and provided its members do not have any communication among themselves, the great number of small differences will always produce a general will and the decision will always be good. But if groups, sectional associations are formed at the expense of the larger association, the will of each of these groups will become general in relation to its own members and private in relation to the state; we might then say that there are no longer as many votes as there are men but only as many votes as there are groups. The differences become less numerous and yield a result less general. Finally, when one of these groups becomes so large that it can outweigh the rest, the result is no longer the sum of many small differences, but one great divisive difference; then there ceases to be a general will, and the opinion which prevails is no more than a private opinion" The Social Contract by Jean-Jacque Rousseau

This quote wonderfully sums up the effect that News Corporation taking over BSkyB, discussed here, will have on the ‘general will’.

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